Did you know?
Did you know that every United Way office is both independent and autonomous? That means the people who make the decisions about how to invest your dollars are community residents.
At Susquehanna Valley United Way, our mission is carried out by local people who donate their time and talents to ensure that your donations are put to the best local organizations and programs.
We not only serve your friends, colleagues, and neighbors, but all our decisions are made by your friends, colleagues, and neighbors. Check out our board list. We're sure you'll find names and companies that you know!
Board President
Steve Keifer, Retired Superintendent of Danville Area Schools
Vice President
Coleen Snover, Service 1st Federal Credit Union
Michael Celli, Journey Bank
William England, Weis Markets, Inc.
Angela Hummel, Angela Hummel Consulting
Samantha Boucek, Commonwealth University of PA (Bloomsburg)
Frankie Cabradilla Hockenbrocht
Megan Epler
Bob Garrett, Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of Commerce
Alan Hack, CSIU
Chris Markle, Susquehanna University
Eric Martin, Bucknell University
Carolyn Reid-Brown, Commonwealth University of PA (Bloomsburg)
Jachin Spotts, PPL Electric Utilities
Kurt Wrobel, Geisinger Health Plan
If you'd like to be part of our team, please email our President/CEO, Adrienne Mael, at ceo@svuw.org.