Kindness Campaign
“Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.”
2025 Kindness Campaign
You can spread kindness throughout the year by sharing your acts of kindness. Just tag us @SusquehannaValleyUW on Social Media with the hashtag #BeKind2025, and we’ll feature your stories on our newsfeed!
February 10-14 is Kindness Week!
Today, as we kick off our 2025 Kindness Week, we encourage you to reflect on what you’re thankful for and use that gratitude as a springboard for spreading kindness to others.
Don’t forget to be kind to yourself! Showing kindness to ourselves is a great way to promote positive mental health. What kindness will you show yourself today? Then, share your ideas and encourage others to do the same!
Let’s extend kindness freely to all - animals, the earth, others who are different from us. Everyone and everything could use a little kindness.
This Kindness Week, we’re focusing on the power of lending a hand to support our neighbors and strengthen our community. Whether through volunteering, donating, or helping someone in need, every hand can make a difference.
As Kindness Week comes to a close, let’s take what you’ve started during Kindness Week and pay it forward.
Help a neighbor, thank someone who’s made a difference, or simply brighten someone’s day with a kind gesture.
Wear your Be. Kind gear or the color red to show the world how kindness creates ripples that can transform communities. Together, we can create ripples of kindness that touch lives in ways we may never see.
Download the 2025 Kindness Themes Flyer!
Kindness Nominations
Do you know someone who goes above and beyond to spread kindness and make a difference in their community? Now is your chance to honor them! Nominate a teacher, student, neighbor, friend, or community leader for our Annual Kindness Awards.
Our next round of nominations will be open in December 2025.
Prizes for Award Winners
Prizes for the winners include $50 gift cards to local small businesses and Be Kind. merchandise. Award winners are announced daily throughout Kindness Week (Feb 10-16) across our social media channels @SusquehannaValleyUW. One Grand Prize Winner will be announced LIVE on 94KX radio station, on Friday, February 14th, 2024, and will receive a $100 Gift Card.
Kindness Resources
Searching for inspiration and ideas for spreading kindness? Look no further!
Kind is the New Cool
Start a Kindness Club at your School… Every school could use a little more kindness! A great way to spread the joy of kindness is to start your very own Kindness Club!
Grab and Go Games and Icebreakers… 14 fun and easy games to foster a positive classroom climate!
Kindness Calendar for February 2024… Each day has a Kindness challenge for you to do.
Be Kind to All Kinds
Volunteer at a local animal shelter… You can donate old blankets, offer to help clean their pens, or even spend time with the animals themselves. This is a great alternative to enjoying animals if you aren’t able to own one yourself.
Plant a pollinator-friendly garden… Diversity is the key to a good pollinator garden. Because each pollinator has its own techniques for sourcing nectar and pollen, flowers should be as varied as the pollinators that visit them.
Host a Heritage Potluck… Invite friends to a potluck dinner where they each bring a dish that represents something from their heritage.
Create a Suggestion Box… Allow employees to share their ideas for improving workplace culture! This is a great way to maintain an inclusive culture beyond a single month.
Be Kind to Your Mind
Kindness Meditation Guide… this meditation is for Kids and based on the book, Have you filled your bucket today?
At Home Yoga for Kids… Join the Paw Patrol crew, Bubble Guppies, and Team Umizoomi for a beginner’s yoga class.
10-Minute Meditation for Anxiety… Unwind and de-stress in this short video walking you through each step of guided meditation.
How to Journal: Start Here… Everything you need to know to start journaling to better your mental health.
Be Kind to your Peers and Co-workers
Simple Acts of Kindness… A video highlighting the intrinsic value of reaching out a helping hand to others.
The Power of Deliberate Listening… Newspaper columnist, Ronnie Polaneczky, illustrates the power of listening to understand, not judge.
Be Kind to Your Community
Find a Volunteer Opportunity near you.
Community Helpers For Kids… Review the important jobs that adults do to keep our community safe.
8 Ways To Thank Frontline Workers… Different ways you can show your appreciation for essential workers.
Kindness Rocks… create a kindness rock and leave it in the community. One message at the right moment can change a person’s whole day! You can also join a local group committed to spreading kindness around our community! Join their Facebook Group to learn more!
Below are resources and worksheets we have compiled to help inspire and encourage your kiddos to Be Kind!
The Skittles Game… How to use Skittles to encourage your Kids to be kinder.
Kindness Vocabulary Word Searches… a fun activity for any age!
Teen Meditation Guide… a guided relaxation exercise on kindness and helpfulness.
Kindness Meditation Guide… this meditation is for kids and is based on the book Have You Filled Your Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud.
[Video] Bucket Filling from A to Z: The Key to Being Happy by Carol McCloud, read by Kendra Aucker, President and CEO of Evangelical Community Hospital.
We encourage you to visit the Random Acts of Kindness website for resources and ideas. They also offer a highly effective, evidence-based social-emotional learning curriculum for Pre-K through 12th Grade!
Below are resources and worksheets compiled to help inspire and encourage you to spread kindness where you work!
We encourage you to visit the Random Acts of Kindness website for even more resources and ideas.
Remember to share the kindness activities and challenges you complete by tagging us @SusquehannaValleyUW on social media using the #BeKind2024 hashtag, and we will feature it on our social media!
Be Kind. Merchandise
FREE Yard signs, bumpers stickers, and laptop stickers!
Visit your local library to pick up your FREE Be Kind. swag. Contact them directly for hours of operation and any questions about pick-up you may have.
Purchase your Be Kind. Merchandise here!
Purchase your Be Kind. Merchandise here!
T-shirts, long-sleeved shirts, hoodies, mugs, and tote bags are available for purchase below.
Celebrate Kindness All Year Long
Being kind doesn’t end in February! Join us throughout the year to keep spreading kindness like confetti!
Share your acts of kindness all year long. Just tag us @SusquehannaValleyUW on Social Media with the hashtag #BeKind2025, and we’ll feature your stories on our newsfeed!
On February 10th, we will host a week of kindness with daily themes, awards, kindness activities, and challenges.
Be sure to like and follow us at @SusquehannaValleyUW and share your stories of kindness with the #BeKind2024 hashtag. Tag us and we will feature you on our page and highlight reel.
Spread kindness in our community by volunteering! On April 25th, United Way provides opportunities for individuals and groups across the Susquehanna Valley to improve our community by volunteering through our Day of Action.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, complete our online registration form.
Not available on April 25th? Not to worry, many of our area’s nonprofits have ongoing needs for volunteers all year long. Visit our Volunteer page to learn more!
National Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day was founded in 2009 by Starr Valentino. He believed that good things happen only when people come together as a community and help each other during good times and bad. It is day is dedicated to helping, kindness, and chance for all of us to express love and gratitude toward each other. It is celebrated in neighborhoods by acts of compassion, sharing, and caring.
Be Kind To Humankind Week is an annual worldwide celebration of kindness that is observed from August 25 to August 31. It is a time for us to reflect on what we can do to make this world a better place.
You don’t have to do anything elaborate to be kind — just set aside a few hours every day to do something nice for others.
Kindness can be the norm. Join the movement and help pass on kindness in your home, school, or workplace. Watch the latest Random Acts of Kindness Foundation video and pass it on.

Thank you to our Sponsors.
Susquehanna Valley United Way thanks Evangelical Community Hospital for helping us bring the 2024 Kindness Campaign to schools and businesses in our community. We also thank Sunbury Broadcasting Corporation for being our media sponsor.