EFSP Application and Requirements
Eligibility & Requirements
Nonprofit organizations seeking funds should review the following criteria to see if they meet the necessary qualifications to be eligible for funding:
Must be eligible to receive federal funds as a nonprofit, faith-based, or governmental organization and demonstrated the ability to provide food, shelter, and supportive services within the intent of the program (see funding use categories below for more information).
Must have a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) - https://irs.gov
Must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) - https://sam.gov
Must maintain a checking account in the organization’s name for EFSP deposits and have an accounting system.
If the organization is a private voluntary organization, it must have a voluntary board.
Must practice nondiscrimination.
Must complete the application below and submit all necessary requirements to the local board.
All awards must be expended by the recipient organizations within the funding cycle (November 30, 2022, to December 31, 2024).
Must pay vendors directly within 90 days for services provided to fall under EFSP funds.
Must submit interim and final reports as required.
Being a past EFSP participant is not a requirement.
Any agency that is awarded funds that participated in the EFSP in the past and has outstanding compliance exceptions must resolve them prior to the release of funds.
Please email Christine Orlando at corlando@svuw.org with the counties and phases you intend to apply for by Friday, December 5th, 2024. You will then receive a personalized link for you to upload your application and all additional documentation.
Funding Use Categories
Click on each category below to view eligible funding allowances and expenses.
Click here to view samples of Eligible and Ineligible Expenses.
For any questions or additional information regarding the EFSP application or process, please contact Christine Orlando, Director of Community Impact at SVUW by email at corlando@svuw.org or call (570) 988-0993.